About Iagon
IAGON is a platform for harnessing the storage capacities and processing power of multiple computers over a decentralized Blockchain grid. IAGON utilizes and enables to store big data files and repositories, as well as smaller scales of files, and to carry out complex computational processes, such as those needed for artificial intelligence and machine learning operations, within a fully secure and encrypted platform that integrates Blockchain, cryptographic and AI technologies in a user- friendly way.
Bounty Extended!
8,333,333 --> 12,499,999.5 Tokens will be allocated for this bounty campaign.
→ Campaign 1: YouTube, Blog posts, Articles Bounty – 20%
→ Campaign 2: Twitter Bounty – 15%
→ Campaign 3: Facebook Bounty - 15%
→ Campaign 4: Reddit Bounty – 10%
→ Campaign 5: Telegram Bounty - 10%
→ Campaign 6: Bitcointalk Signature Bounty – 20%
→ Campaign 7: Translation – 5%
→ Campaign 8: Linkedin – 5%
General Rules
→Join our Telegram group: https://t.me/Iagon_official
→Bounty will run up to 14 weeks (Extended!)
→Reports for the week are on Thursday 23:59
→If you have completed a similar bounty for Iagon on Bounty0x, you cannot particpate for that specific bounty
→For any questions regarding the bounty campaign please use this thread.
→You may not ask about bounty issues in official telegram group or you will be disqualified
→8,333,333 Tokens will be allocated for this bounty campaign.;
→If necessary changes may be made to the Bounty Program by the Bounty Manager, e.g. the system may change if the desired number of participants is not reached;
→The using of several accounts, any cheating, spamming, unethical behaviour, or relying on someone else to do the work will disqualify you from any of the bounties.
YouTube, Blog posts, Articles Bounty
Form link - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScAdDHrqEABbD_TeMivxOLQCAjHZV02rjY90PipqQlmhvziHQ/viewform
Check your status here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10shhmievk7Hrya9SOFvqgM_vU7bYBov47lke5LDmLCc/edit?usp=sharing
*Any created content will be judged by quality and subsequently determines how many stakes will be earned.
Post a message in this thread with the following informations
Bitcointalk URL:
Username Bitcointalk:
Link to your Content Creation:
Username Bitcointalk:
Link to your Content Creation:
YouTube: Make a POSITIVE review video about Iagon
Blog/Article Posts: Post a POSITIVE review about Iagon
Suggested locations to post: Medium, Steemit + more
*Stakes for this bounty will be based on the quality of your Content*
→ Top Quality: 5 stakes;
→ Good Quality: 3 stakes;
→ Okay Quality: 1 stakes.
Participants must be subscribed our YouTube channel;
The content must be be posted on a website that is at least 3 months old, and have relevance to the crypto-world;
Content must be available to the public;
The writing quality must be good and have at least 300 words;
Make sure that you provide links to our website and our whitepaper;
YouTube accounts must have at least 50 subscribers, the video must be at least 2 minutes long, and must be good quality;
Participant are invited to submit maximum 3 contents, the same content cannot be reposted on different websites;
Be sure to only submit your own work!
Social Media Campaign
Twitter - 15%
Form links: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScJRfBw1QOgrmG0blDfpt0GN0WLiFfj9vcWzWWlbDe3a3BnLQ/viewform
Participants are to required to submit weekly reports on the thread in the following format:
Twitter Link: _________
Your Number on the Spreadsheet: ________
Bitcointalk Username: ________
1 – (dd/mm): _____
2 – (dd/mm): _____
3 – (dd/mm): _____
4 – (dd/mm): _____
5 – (dd/mm): _____
6 – (dd/mm): _____
7 – (dd/mm): _____
1 – (dd/mm): _____
2 – (dd/mm): _____
3 – (dd/mm): _____
Your Number on the Spreadsheet: ________
Bitcointalk Username: ________
1 – (dd/mm): _____
2 – (dd/mm): _____
3 – (dd/mm): _____
4 – (dd/mm): _____
5 – (dd/mm): _____
6 – (dd/mm): _____
7 – (dd/mm): _____
1 – (dd/mm): _____
2 – (dd/mm): _____
3 – (dd/mm): _____
Twitter payment structure:
Less than 500 followers: 1 stakes per/Week
501 to 5000 followers: 3 stakes/Week
5000 or more followers: 10 stakes/Week
Participants must follow Twitter page - https://twitter.com/IagonOfficial
Terms and Conditions:
1: Twitter account must have a minimum of 300 followers.
2: Your audit score must be more than 90%.
3: Twitter accounts must be original. Fake, dead, inactive and bot accounts will not be accepted.
4: Participants must be active and regular Twitter users, and must be retweeting/sharing Iagon official tweets and updates.
5: You need to make 7 retweets. And Create at least 3 tweets about Iagon in a week. with #Iagon #ICO #IagonICO (maximum 3 RTs a day).
6: All posts must contain #Iagon #ICO #IagonICO
7: Joining with multiple accounts is not allowed. Users found to be using multi accounts, will be blacklisted.
8: Terms and Condition can be changed or more can be applied.
Check your status here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10shhmievk7Hrya9SOFvqgM_vU7bYBov47lke5LDmLCc/edit?usp=sharing
Facebook - 15%
Form link - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScHydJo1CEU8R0q6DmVaIdXSf_kCHfuqOmLszTxJoo8fzWZfQ/viewform
Participants are to required to submit weekly reports on the thread in the following format:
Facebook Link: _________
Your Number on the Spreadsheet: ________
Bitcointalk Username: ________
1 – (dd/mm): _____
2 – (dd/mm): _____
3 – (dd/mm): _____
4 – (dd/mm): _____
5 – (dd/mm): _____
6 – (dd/mm): _____
7 – (dd/mm): _____
1 – (dd/mm): _____
2 – (dd/mm): _____
3 – (dd/mm): _____
Your Number on the Spreadsheet: ________
Bitcointalk Username: ________
1 – (dd/mm): _____
2 – (dd/mm): _____
3 – (dd/mm): _____
4 – (dd/mm): _____
5 – (dd/mm): _____
6 – (dd/mm): _____
7 – (dd/mm): _____
1 – (dd/mm): _____
2 – (dd/mm): _____
3 – (dd/mm): _____
Facebook payment structure:
300 to 1000 Facebook friends: 10 stakes/Week
1001 to 5000 Facebook friends: 35 stakes/Week
5000+ Facebook friends: 50 stakes/Week
Shared Facebook posts must be set public.
Participants must follow Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/IagonOfficial/
Terms and Conditions:
1: Facebook account must have a minimum of 300 friends/followers.
2: Facebook accounts must be real. Inactive, fake and bots accounts will not be accepted.
3: You need to make 7 repost. And Create at least 3 post about Iagon in a week. with #Iagon #ICO #IagonICO (maximum 3 posts a day). Publically use the ‘Recommend’ tab in an official Facebook page.
4: All posts must contain #Iagon #ICO #IagonICO
4: Joining with multiple accounts is not allowed. Users found to be using multi accounts, will be blacklisted.
5: Terms and Condition can be changed or more can be applied
Check your status here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10shhmievk7Hrya9SOFvqgM_vU7bYBov47lke5LDmLCc/edit?usp=sharing
Reddit Bounty – 10%
How to participate:
Join the official Iagon subreddit on: https://www.reddit.com/user/iagon_official/
Sign up using this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScK1CbjEYqd6jvb4Mb343soloPq-_NmshE-X-xEypdj6gwg_w/viewform
Check out your status: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10shhmievk7Hrya9SOFvqgM_vU7bYBov47lke5LDmLCc/edit?usp=sharing
- Only one account per person.
- Subscribe to our subreddit
- Upvote posts from our page.
- Create posts on our subreddit and other cryptocurrency subreddits
- Complete weekly reports and post on thread.
- Affiliate link posts don’t count as a stake bearing post.
- No duplicate posts
Payment structure:
Post reddit threads and comments and earn stakes!
Write a POSITIVE reddit post including Iagon - 2 stakes per upvote
Write a POSITIVE reddit comment including Iagon - 1 stake per upvote
To account for stakes every participant must post a weekly report of activities. Stakes will only be counted if they are posted on the thread in the following format:
Your number on the spreadsheet:
Reddit Link:
Link to your posts:
1- (dd/mm):
2- (dd/mm):
Your number on the spreadsheet:
Reddit Link:
Link to your posts:
1- (dd/mm):
2- (dd/mm):
Telegram Campaign
You will receive 20 stakes for adding members to our telegram group, maximum 5 people can be added. You must take a screenshot when you add them and send us a link via the form below.
Form link - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeA8OO9bZNtad5rZhZO0iF5k6urv8GC3TyOAxqLfTbWQGBilw/viewform
Check your status here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10shhmievk7Hrya9SOFvqgM_vU7bYBov47lke5LDmLCc/edit?usp=sharing
Post a message in this thread with the following informations
#Join-#Proof of authentication
Bitcointalk username:
Telegram username:
Bitcointalk username:
Telegram username:
Earn some tokens for joining our Telegram group! (HUGE Rewards for Telegram Campaign!)
Rules :
You have to join Iagon group and channel to receive your stakes!
Rates :
5 stakes/per person/per week
How to participate :
1.) Join the Iagon group in Telegram https://t.me/Iagon_official
2.) Send a message in the Telegram group and then include it in the registration form.
3.) You shall have an account on bitcointalk
4.) Add the Iagon at the end of your profile name ( Example: Artour | Iagon Supporters | ) till ICO ends and you will receive 2 extra stakes per week
5.) Write not less than 10 messages in the Telegram group during the campaign period. Not on one and the same day. No spam
6.) Participants must be active at least twice a week
7.) Any telegram users who joins our group, will not be eligible for their stakes if they have other ICO supporting signatures on their name
Bitcointalk Signature Bounty
Participants are limited to 250 participants only
Form link - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScpaM15v-1h9UUZnWS8HWc6lSpLl2fFGaKRHQZy-wbRVv-vNQ/viewform
Check your status here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10shhmievk7Hrya9SOFvqgM_vU7bYBov47lke5LDmLCc/edit?usp=sharing
Jr Member: 100 stakes per week
Member: 140 stakes per week
Full Member: 250 stakes per week
Sr Member: 300 stakes per week
Hero/Legendary Member: 400 stakes per week
Signatures of level and avatar must be added.
Jr. Member, Member
[center] [url= http://bit.ly/2FNISue] ⚡️IAGON — WE REVOLUTIONIZE THE CLOUD ⚡️| ICO | [/url] [url= https://www.iagon.com/] DISCUSSION [/url] | [/center]
Full Member
[center][color=#26A5EE][b] ⚡️ IAGON — [color=#26A5EE] WE REVOLUTIONIZE THE CLOUD ⚡️[/color][/b][/color] | [url= https://www.iagon.com/] [b] TOKEN SALE [/b] [/url] | [b][url= https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2945888.0] DISCUSSION [/url][/b] | [/center]
Sr. Member, Hero or Legendary
[center][table][tr][td][color=#26A5EE][size=18pt][b] IAGON [/b][/size][/color][/td][td][b]⚡️ WE REVOLUTIONIZE THE CLOUD ⚡️
[url= https://www.iagon.com/] [color=#8B63BE] LINK TO TOKEN SALE [/url][color=#8B63BE] | [/color] [url= https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2945888.0] [color=#26A5EE] LINK TO DISCUSSION [/url][/b][/td][/tr][/table][/center]
[url= https://www.iagon.com/] [color=#8B63BE] LINK TO TOKEN SALE [/url][color=#8B63BE] | [/color] [url= https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2945888.0] [color=#26A5EE] LINK TO DISCUSSION [/url][/b][/td][/tr][/table][/center]

Terms and Conditions:
1: Participants must keep the signature until the end of the Campaign. Removing a signature in the middle of campaign will result in disqualification.
2: Participants must enter a total of 10 Posts/week.
3: Posts made in the following sections (and all their child boards) will not be counted as valid posts: Marketplace; Off-topic; Archival; Marketplace (Altcoins).
4: Eligible posts must be 100 Character Long. Posts shorter than 100 Character will not be counted.
5: Payments will be made at the end of the token sale. Please see terms and conditions for more information.
6: Keep your signature till spreadsheet updated with your final post count (allow at least one week to count posts), removing a signature before the post count will result in disqualification
7: Newbies and accounts with negative trust are not allowed to participate.
8: Manager and Team save the rights to increase or change any rules, payment structure and anything else if necessary.
9: Avatar and the personal message must be worn.
Translations & Moderation – 5%
Translating Iagon Project’s Whitepaper, Announcement Thread and Moderating and Managing the thread. Keeping that active by Posting regular updates, news announcements from official thread, facebook and twitter.
Whitepaper: 200 Stakes
ANN thread+Bounty Thread: 150 Stakes
Moderation/Management: 5 Stakes per Valid Post.
Translation Terms and Conditions:
1 | Translations must be original, using any kind of tools such as Google are not allowed. If found the translator will be blacklisted.
2 | ANN thread translator will be responsible for the moderation as well (we have additional rewards for moderation). The translator must keep the thread active by translation of official announcements, news, posts.
3 | We do not need any Single Post Dead Thread. If you failed to keep the thread active and up to date, your reward can be reduced to 75% of the actual payment or you could simply be disqualified.
4 | Increasing the moderation post count by spam posts, posting false posts or paying other to ask questions in your thread is not allowed.
5 | Newbies i.e. users with no previous experience of translation will not be accepted. Always ask before beginning translation and post your previous translation work.
6 | We are not responsible to pay or accept any kind of translations if done without reserved approval. first get approval for your reservation than start translation
7 | Manager and Team save the rights to increase or change any rules, payment structure and anything else if necessary.
Japanese / Korean / Chinese / Russian / German / Vietnamese / Italian / Croatian
Fill this Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSee9JrJ1DJi_596qijUBzuGtmQ9wQoQ9eqBQbcXKT5aaTwHRQ/viewform
Check your status here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10shhmievk7Hrya9SOFvqgM_vU7bYBov47lke5LDmLCc/edit?usp=sharing
Post a message in this thread with the following informations
Bitcointalk account URL :
Bitcointalk name:
Your choice to translate: (ANN, BOUNTY and WP)
Are you ready to post and moderate: Y / N
previous work:
Bitcointalk name:
Your choice to translate: (ANN, BOUNTY and WP)
Are you ready to post and moderate: Y / N
previous work:
Linkedin Campaign
Fill this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSebK3nOBo4muUTffSByFQEx99LOXyw7oTGUyhnnpPPUoF-V-A/viewform
Linkedin payment structure:
Less than 500 followers: 1 stakes per Week
501 to 1000 followers: 3 stakes per/Week
1000 or more followers: 10 stakes per/Week
Terms and Conditions:
1: LinkedIn account must have a minimum of 150 followers/connections.
2: Your account must have a valid profile photo along with details of your professional background (complete profile).
3: LinkedIn accounts must be original. Fake, dead, inactive and bot accounts will not be accepted.
4: Participants must be active and regular users.
5: You need to share our posts 4 times a week and make 1 post about Iagon. You can also share Iagon news posted on different sites, e.g. Coinidol, Cryptocoinnews, coinspeaker, the Merkle etc.
6: All posts must contain #Iagon #ICO #IagonICO and You must add the website Iagon with the tweet you make.
7: Joining with multiple accounts is not allowed. Users found to be using multi accounts, will be blacklisted.
8: Terms and Conditions can be changed or more can be applied.
Linkedin Link: _________
Your Number on the Spreadsheet: ________
Bitcointalk Username: ________
1 – (dd/mm): _____
2 – (dd/mm): _____
3 – (dd/mm): _____
4 – (dd/mm): _____
1 – (dd/mm): _____
Your Number on the Spreadsheet: ________
Bitcointalk Username: ________
1 – (dd/mm): _____
2 – (dd/mm): _____
3 – (dd/mm): _____
4 – (dd/mm): _____
1 – (dd/mm): _____
Iagon Bug Bounty Program
Iagon is committed to treating our customers’ data with the utmost care. As part of this, we encourage security researchers to put our security to the test – and we offer a variety of rewards for doing so.
Responsible Disclosure Guideline
1 - You will not publicly disclose a bug before it has been fixed
2 - You will not violate any laws or regulations.
3 - You will protect our users' privacy and data. You will not access or modify data without our permission
4 - You will ensure no disruption to our production systems and no destruction of data during security testing
5 - If any privacy violation is inadvertently caused by you while testing, you are liable to disclose it immediately to us
6 - You will abstain from exploiting a security issue you discover for any reason
7 - You will not attempt phishing or security attacks. This might end in suspension of your account.
8 - Due to a high number of submissions, we may take a reasonable time to fix the vulnerability reported by you. You have to allow us time to respond to you.
Our Responsibility
1 - We will get back to you preferably within 7 working days.
2 - We will keep you updated about the bug reported and its fixture at our end
3 - We will suitably reward you for your effort
Program Terms
By participating in Lagon Bug Bounty Program, you comply to Lagon terms and conditions. To qualify for a bounty, you have to meet the following requirements:
1 - Reporting of a security vulnerability
2 - You will provide necessary assistance to Lagon, if required, in resolving the security issue
3 - The bounty will be paid after the bug has been fixed
4 - We reserve the right to publish reports without your approval
5 - In case of duplicate reports, the person who reports it first would get the bounty
6 - All bounty rewards are permitted by applicable laws
7 - Lagon has the sole discretion to ascertain the risk category. Extremely low-risk issues may not qualify for a bounty.
8 - Though we seek to reward similar amount for similar issue, qualifying issues and the amounts paid may change
9 - Certain types of security issues are excluded. We have listed them under 'out of scope reports'
10 - Bounty will be paid for bugs that were unknown to Lagon domain.
11 - If you disclose a bug/security issue via social media, you will be rendered ineligible for this program
12 - You would refrain from contacting any Lagon employee regarding the program
Scope for the Iagon Bug Bounty Program
Title - Web in-scope vulnerabilities for bug-bounty are :
1 - Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
2 - Cross-Site Request Forgery(CSRF/XSRF)
3 - SQL Injection/ XXE / RCE
4 - Server Side Request Forgery (SSRF)
5 - Broken Authentication (including OAuth bugs)
6 - Broken Session flaws
7 - Remote Code Execution
8 - Privilege Escalation
9 - Provisioning Errors
10 - Business Logical flaws
11 - Misuse/Unauthorized use of our APIs
12 - Improper TLS protection
13 - Leaking customer's sensitive data related with PCI norm
Not in scope
1. Issues related to software/application not under Iagon control
2. Vulnerabilities dependent upon social engineering techniques
3. Brute Force protection on login page without exploitation of user data.
4. Autocomplete attribute on web forms ( this works as designed)
5. Any physical attempts against Iagon property or data centres
6. Protocols or standards not developed by Iagon.
7. Minor issues like version disclosures.
8. DDOS attacks.
9. Cookie attributes not set/Secure flag issues
10. Click Jacking Without Exploitation.
11. Java Script Library disclosures
How to Report a Bug ?
All the bugs need to be reported at - contact@iagon.com
Here is what you need to take care of:
1 - Please provide detailed reports with reproducible steps. If the report is not detailed enough to reproduce the issue, the issue will not be eligible for bounty.
2 - In case of duplicacy, the report which is reproducible will be awarded a bounty.
3 -Multiple bugs with one underlying issue will be awarded only to the earliest reporter.
4 - Bugs related to weak test case, ambiguity in statements, time limit of the problem statements won’t be considered as valid bugs and hence are not eligible for the program. Queries or feedbacks on the above mentioned topic should be commented on problem statement page itself.
5 -A report regarding a missing security best practice are not eligible for bounty unless it can be exploited to impact the users directly. In that case, missing best practice report shall be eligible for bounty.